
A single rose to the love, the love of the blue and the red
The road by my house it's about to storm.

Love is such a beautiful thing, so I give you a single rose. 

The apple tree in my yard, is just starting to bloom.

Even know the world is cold and cruel it holds so much beauty.

The sun rising, and the day stating at 6:00am.

The sun set a half hour before dark.

The sun shinning threw the dark trees.

This was all round a pretty picture, and the white really makes it pop out more.

I tried to use focus on the stick to make the other stuff in the background out of focus.

This was a pretty picture because of the pink and green contrast with each other.

These colors go very nice together. The green feeds of the orange and red. 

I was hiding in a bush playing, so this was a stranger picture. 

I like this picture because of the sun shinning threw in the corner. 

Another one of my mother's plants

A close up shot of my grape vines.

This is at Cascade Park in Elyria Ohio. This picture had little editing but the blue sky and the green trees and the rock I toned down because it was to bright.

This was shot in my backyard I love the red passing threw the trees it really makes the purple of the trees pop with the green leafs.

This picture was in my backyard. The colors are little soft compared to the other photos but it's different and I like that.

         This was a picture that I took walking along the woods and I saw something pretty in it. The light and dark colors look good together.                                              

This is a corn field by my house that I like to watch the sunset in when I get time.

This was a picture of when we got the bad snow but I used it to the best I could.

This was a picture of the rail road tracks by house that I run when I get time.

This was a creek down the street form where I live, I took this picture after the ice broke.

This is the rail road tracks but the reflection makes the picture.

Another picture of the rail road tracks it's one of the stables of wood.

This was a picture of the sky but at close look you can see what looks like a star in the center.

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