Personal Philosophy

Some tips I have are to be confident in yourself because if you have faith in yourself you take better pictures. Another things is take many pictures because the chance my not come again easily. Take different angles of your subject not just face to face, get low and up high and side ways have fun taking pictures. On my free time I like to run rail road tracks, so when I go I take my camera and take some pictures of everyday life. That's what I like, I don't like other people. So my point is find your strong spots and work on then but find your weaker spots and work on them more. Another thing that I found makes me what to get up and leave to take pictures is taking a friend. Find a friend to go with you, they don't have to a photographer but they can give ideas and just be their for support when you need it. When working if you find your self in a rock and a hard place, Never give up. Thats the worst thing you could do, I found myself in a situation where I just wanted to quite but I worked for a while figuring out my flaws in the picture. Then I needed really liking it. So look forward it might be hard now but think of the outcome of all of it.

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